2024 aug olimpics 500  Scene for 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremonies; The Wrap, Stephanie Kaloi, July 28, 2024. 

The iconic Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper” was portrayed by a dozen transexuals representing the 12 apostles and one ostentatious drag queen dressed to mock Christ – for those people and the planners of the ceremonies this was art as the MGM logo said in Latin = “Art for Art’s Sake”.

We must never forget, in this century, that we cannot escape the godless reach of secular progressives, their influence is in every nook and cranny of our culture and just about every institution.

Early in His three years of ministry, thousands came to a hill to hear Jesus speak. They were not disappointed in what is commonly called the Sermon on the Mount. As Jesus delivers a bushel full of blessings. He has also tucked conspicuously into the basket words conveying warnings as well as blessings.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake”(Matthew 5.10-11, KJV).

Examine these words found in the text:

  1. Revile
  2. Persecute
  3. Evil
  4. Deceit

Jesus is putting His followers on notice: “If you follow me… there will be a price to pay!” –  Suffering with Christ comes before reigning with Christ!

Let us look at those four words once again (define and add synonyms).

  1. Revile – def: to denounce with abusive language.
    1. syn: berate, defame, slander.
  2. Persecute – def: to oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially for religious reasons.
    1. Syn: afflict, imprison, torture, kill.
  3. Evil – def: morally bad.
    1. Syn: Sin, depravity, diabolical, abomination.
  4. Deceit – def: Falseness, misrepresentation.
    1. Syn: Dishonest, fraud, lie, shrewd, crafty.

These are the tools used in the arsenal of those who would crush Christ, His Gospel, and His Church!

While Jesus’ words and healing ministry drew crowds of thousands and many believed in Him, sinister forces were at work.

“Then the Pharisees (6,000 champions and guardians of Israel’s written and oral law) went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him” (Matthew 12:14).

They did not stop there. His enemies were out to destroy Him, and they would stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.

They reviled, persecuted, and perpetrated evil and deceit against our Lord and Savior. Here is a snapshot of the abuses and cruelties:

In Matthew 12:14, they denounced Him as satanic and branded Him a lunatic, drunkard, glutton, trickster, blasphemer, liar. Sounds familiar? These are the same tactics being employed by this secular, progressive, atheistic culture in our time. “Nothing new under the sun. It is just more pervasive, mean-spirited, and dangerous. But it did not stop there.

Matthew 26:14, they bought off His disciple Judas to betray Him.

Matthew 26:60, they paid people to lie about Him in court.

Matthew 27: 15-25, they manipulated the courts to condemn Him – the Judge said He was innocent but condemned Jesus anyway.

In the final moment of Jesus’ life, He was whipped, beaten, slapped, kicked, spit on, and crucified.

When Jesus’ death, burial, and physical resurrection proved the attempt to destroy Jesus’ Gospel had failed, they went after His followers and the persecutions began – All but one of His disciples were martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Well, they assumed that should do it – we got the “Big Guy.” We got the ring leaders. That will silence Christ’s Gospel once and for all! Right!

So here we are, 24 years into the 21st century looking back, here is what we know:

According to Global Evangelism: “there have been more martyrs for Chris in the 20th century than all the previous 19 centuries combined!”

Further, they report: “More people have died in circumstances related to their faith in this century than in all 20th century wars combined!”

In time our nation’s rejection of the biblical values that made it good and in turn made it great will bear their ugly consequences. As spiritual darkness has clouded our land. As the scripture predicts, the last days will be marked as perilous (dangerous) times.

What can we do?

  • Pray for revival in your life and your church.
  • Know what you believe and why, so you will be prepared to answer folk’s questions.
  • Do not be ashamed to live and share the gospel.
  • Do not be intimidated into silence – when given the opportunity to speak up for Jesus!
  • Do not despair. Jesus promised on the mountaintop that your attitude, courage, and trust in Him can be a blessing.
  • Matthew 4:12 “Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you”.