The following is a prayer invoked by Pastor Robert DiSalvio on September 22, 2001, following the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center terrorist attacks:
“We thank you Father for the beauty of your creation that we see around us. Grass, trees, blue sky and Your loving touch in the kiss of the sun’s warmth on our face. But, dear Father, our hearts are not as peaceful as our bucolic surroundings would suggest. Seventy-five miles from here there is a scar in the ground - A wound so deep and wide it has become a vortex into which our nation’s thoughts, emotions and fears have been drawn.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, and children who have lost loved ones in New York City, Washington DC and Somerset, Pennsylvania.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for even one missing to be found.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for the thousands injured, especially for those still in hospital beds.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for heroes, who with bloodied hands and heavy hearts, dig through broken and pulverized concrete, shattered glass, twisted steel, and God help us, broken pieces of humanity.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for men and women of the Armed Forces being transported, even as we pray, to meet their mission and their fate. Give them courage, strength, and Grace to do what their nation has called them to do.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for our nation and its leaders. Give them wisdom. Be with our president George W. Bush as he makes decisions no man wants to make but leadership, by definition, demands.
Be with those who are tearful. May they seek You, the God who wipes away tears.
Be with those who are fearful. May they be reminded to “Fear no evil; for You are with them.”
Be with those who are angry and would strike out at innocents. Help them to be angry and sin not.
Hear our prayer, O Lord for Delaware Township blessed with so much natural beauty, material resources and spiritual heritage. Help us to reach out to those in need with our bounty and Your love.
Be with our children. Protect their minds and hearts. Be with their parents, clergy, faculty and staff at Delaware Township School and Hunterdon Central High School as we all seek to surround those little ones with a sense of love and security. Be with our township leaders, police, firefighters and all the others who serve the citizens of this oasis off the banks of the Delaware River.
O Lord, You are our refuge in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, even though we mourn let us not be terrorized into immobility. Even though we have been viciously attacked let us be judicious in our response. Even though innocents have been killed, reveal ways for us to avoid striking innocents.
We are a people of peace who look forward to a day You promised when “Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore. I ask those things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
God Bless America"
The following is a prayer invoked by Pastor Robert DiSalvio on September 22, 2001, following the September 11, 2001, World Trade Center terrorist attacks:
“We thank you Father for the beauty of your creation that we see around us. Grass, trees, blue sky and Your loving touch in the kiss of the sun’s warmth on our face.
But, dear Father, our hearts are not as peaceful as our bucolic surroundings would suggest. Seventy-five miles from here there is a scar in the ground - A wound so deep and wide it has become a vortex into which our nation’s thoughts, emotions and fears have been drawn.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, and children who have lost loved ones in New York City, Washington DC and Somerset, Pennsylvania.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for even one missing to be found.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for the thousands injured, especially for those still in hospital beds.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for heroes, who with bloodied hands and heavy hearts, dig through broken and pulverized concrete, shattered glass, twisted steel, and God help us, broken pieces of humanity.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for men and women of the Armed Forces being transported, even as we pray, to meet their mission and their fate. Give them courage, strength, and Grace to do what their nation has called them to do.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, for our nation and its leaders. Give them wisdom. Be with our president George W. Bush as he makes decisions no man wants to make but leadership, by definition, demands.
Be with those who are tearful. May they seek You, the God who wipes away tears.
Be with those who are fearful. May they be reminded to “Fear no evil; for You are with them.”
Be with those who are angry and would strike out at innocents. Help them to be angry and sin not.
Hear our prayer, O Lord for Delaware Township blessed with so much natural beauty, material resources and spiritual heritage. Help us to reach out to those in need with our bounty and Your love.
Be with our children. Protect their minds and hearts. Be with their parents, clergy, faculty and staff at Delaware Township School and Hunterdon Central High School as we all seek to surround those little ones with a sense of love and security. Be with our township leaders, police, firefighters and all the others who serve the citizens of this oasis off the banks of the Delaware River.
O Lord, You are our refuge in times of trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, even though we mourn let us not be terrorized into immobility. Even though we have been viciously attacked let us be judicious in our response. Even though innocents have been killed, reveal ways for us to avoid striking innocents.
We are a people of peace who look forward to a day You promised when “Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore. I ask those things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
God Bless America"