We just celebrated April Fool’s Day, but let me propose something for you to think about that is not a joke…Hell will be full of believers.

"Believer" is an inadequate term to describe Christians because it doesn’t indicate the essence of a true Christian which is a "follower" of Jesus Christ. I believe in Satan, but I don't follow Him. James 2:19 says that demons “believe and tremble” at Jesus, but they don’t follow Him. Satan knows Jesus. He lived with Jesus in Heaven. He spoke to Him…and tempted Him. Satan is absolutely a “believer” in Jesus, but he’s not a “follower”.

The book of Revelation is clear about how things turn out in the future. As a result, I propose that when the following things occur, everyone will become an instant “believer”:

  • When Jesus returns to establish His Millennial Kingdom, every knee will bow to King Jesus - everyone will believe then. 
  • After Jesus throws the Anti-Christ and False Prophet into the Lake of Fire, everyone will believe. 
  • After the Great White Throne Judgment when Jesus demonstrates authority over all lives, everyone will believe. 
  • After Jesus defeats Satan once and for all (after His Millennial reign and before His Eternal Reign), everyone will believe. 

Thus, my conclusion, that Hell will be full of “Believers”. 

There are several men and women who warm the pews every Sunday morning. By their regular attendance you would certainly think they are true Christians. But some of them never witnessed to anyone about Jesus, never repented of their sins, never gave tithes and offerings and never talked (prayed) to Him. These are commands that all Christians are given, but many Christians don’t obey these commands. Do you obey the commands of God? If not, then ask yourself, “Can you really be a true follower of Christ if you don’t obey His commands?”

Being religious is not enough. To be a true follower of Jesus, one must have a personal relationship with Him. A true follower would profess publicly that Jesus is his Lord and Savior…would surrender his life to Jesus as Lord…would long to know Him better (e.g. Bible Study)…would want to serve Him…would want to be obedient to Him…would allow Him to transform his life…would bear fruit for Him and glorify Him as described in John 5:5-8.

The Bible promises eternal salvation for everyone who requests forgiveness in Jesus’ name (Romans 10:13). The importance of Easter (Resurrection Day) is that Jesus satisfied His Father’s justice by dying on the cross for all of mankind’s sins. God will pardon everyone who has genuine faith in Jesus, and He makes each believer a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).