Have you noticed there is a war on America’s Bible-based values?

The seeds for this current modern war were placed more than a century ago by a number of misguided secular thinkers.

On September 12, 1905, approximately 100 people met in a loft over Pecks Restaurant at 140 Fulton Street in lower Manhattan.

The purpose of the meeting? According to E. Michael and Sharon Rusten in their book, “The One Year Chirstian History” was “to strategize the overthrow the Christian worldview that still prevailed in much of American Culture and to replace it with the ideas of a then rather unknown writer by the name Karl Marx.” They called the organization- the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. Their members included many names you might just know:

  • Founder: novelist Upton Sinclair (age 27)
  • First President: Author Jack London (age 29)
  • Attorney: Clarence Darrow

Strategy: infiltrate their ideas into Academia by organizing chapters in as many colleges and universities as possible and organize they did:

  • Walter Lippman – author and director of the Council on Foreign Relations – was president of the Harvard Chapter.
  • Walter Reuther – first president of United Auto Workers, headed Wayne State University Chapter.

In 1921 the Intercollegiate Society changed its’ name to the League for Industrial Democracy. By 1941 John Dewey, the founder of Progressive Education, was its honorary president and Reinhold Niebuhr, the theologian, its treasurer.

The Rustin’s note: “The obscure loft in Manhattan where they organized has long been forgotten, but what began there that night permeates America’s institutions and culture, having replaced the Bible based values of the 19th century with a liberalism based on Marxism”. For Marxism to prevail, these obstacles need to be removed: religion, biblical ideas of morality and family, any sense of the individual, private property ownership, free association, free speech and so much more contained in our Bible-based founding documents, defined as our freedoms. There is an enemy within America!

As God told an unrepentant Israel in Hosea 13:9, “O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself.”

You see: God’s Gift to America is — Freedom!

What is freedom? Someone noted: “properly understood, a universal right to do good.”

American was founded on the God-given principles of freedom:  Freedom of Religion, Political Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Association. History demonstrates the principles of freedom were born in the bosom of Scripture – example: George Washington’s favorite verse: Michah 4:4

“But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree;
and none shall make them afraid:
for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it”.

Freedom: A person could sit under their own tree and own land without fearing the government would take it away.

It’s been said America is a grand experiment, but one of those elements in the experiment has begun to evaporate. We often overlook what French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville wrote: “liberty cannot be established without morality nor morality without faith”.

We are discovering that freedom without Christ and His word as its’ foundation is no blessing to us. In the absence of God’s authority in a nation, a vacuum is created – nature does not like vacuums and fills them with something. If God is taken off center stage of the Great American Drama, then something or someone else will step into place. Religious freedom will become a victim – if Christians are not free in America, no one will be free in America.